Kathryn 10th September 2016

Nanny! I just wrote to Grandad to tell him about this but I will let you know too. Grandad Smith has now joined you in heaven! I hope you made him a cup of tea to welcome him up there. White feathers have been showing up everywhere.... literally everywhere! We had one show up in our fridge.... why were you in the fridge? looking to see if I had been baking? Anyway, Matt has now got a full time job so starting to become a proper adult. Im getting myself back on track to become a primary school teacher as well as save up so that I can move out and on with my life with Jay. I know you only remembered Matt(1st boyfriend) as you wrote his name in your diary..... that was funny when we found that. I think you would have really liked Jay! He is very different to what Matt (1st boyfriend) was, but in a very good way! We don't listen or even hear about Daniel O'Donald anymore, which is a bit of a relief as he was starting to majorly grate on me.... don't worry we have still got the birthday card of him singing to you though! I wish you were still here so that I could have actual conversations with you. I love and miss you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx